Digital Storytelling in Higher Education (2024)

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Digital Storytelling is a Tool of Creative Development in Higher Education

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A. Tatnall & J. Multisilta (Eds.),Encyclopedia of Education & Information Technologies, Springer

Digital storytelling in teaching and research

This extended entry will draw from Contemporary Metaphor Theory in order to explicate the meaning of the term, based on applications in education that use digital storytelling to frame teaching and research. To this end, I will discuss digital storytelling as a phrase where the noun (storytelling) is used metaphorically and is modified by the adjective (digital) that designates the target domain of the utterance. According to metaphor theorists, a metaphor occurs when we talk about something by means of something else and, therefore, a stretch or twist is required for sense making. This metaphorical twist involves a movement to a target domain (in this case: telling stories) to explain what, for instance, technologically-enhanced practices in the field actually mean nowadays.In this sense, ‘digital storytelling’ is a 21st century metaphor that signifies mapping of two domain areas in the meaning making process. In this mapping, ‘digital’ signals the comparison between the domain of technology and that of telling stories. Digital storytelling involves multiple modes of expression through language and other symbols and media. However, contrary to traditional visual and cinematic storytelling, digital technologies have offered the possibility for interactive ways of telling stories online through the use of web-based platforms and internet services. A contemporary definition of digital storytelling should take into account these dimensions. If, for example, we consider storytelling to be an essential feature of education, the perspective on education changes. In this way, digital storytelling can possibly be a novel metaphor, given that it attributes novel meanings to the field. In this paper, dimensions of these possibilities will be discussed.

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18. Digital storytelling: An emerging institutional technology?

Patrick Lowenthal

Education is susceptible to fads (Maddux & Cummings 2003). Technological innovations have brought about a number of fads in education that have failed to meet expectations (Oppenheimer 1997). Despite storytelling's recent renaissance, storytelling is not a fad; it has been used throughout history for teaching and learning (Abrahamson 1998). Stories help make meaning out of experience (Bruner 1996; Schank 1990). Experience, and the stories created to make sense of that experience, is key to learning (Schank 1990; Zull ...

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Storytelling – EDU: Educational - Digital – Unlimited?

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Story circle: Digital storytelling around the world

Digital storytelling—An emerging institutional technology?

2009 •

Patrick Lowenthal

Storytelling, a timeless instructional strategy, is taking on a new life in the form of digital storytelling. During the past 12 years, Digital Storytelling, pioneered by the Center for the Digital Storytelling, has grown from an idea to a movement. The Digital Storytelling Festival has been growing in popularity since 1995 and there is now even a formal Digital Storytelling Association. However, despite the popularity of digital storytelling as a tool for expression, only recently have educators begun experimenting with this emerging instructional technology. This paper investigates trends, issues, and opportunities of using digital storytelling to improve teaching and learning.

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2008. Practical uses of Digital Storytelling.

Carmen Gregori-Signes

Digital storytelling is a good way to engage students in both traditional and innovative ways of telling a story. The students learn how to combine some basic multimedia tools such as graphics,animation, with skills such as research, writing, presentation, technology, interview, interpersonal, problem-solving, and assessment skills (Robin 2005, Barrett 2005). The purpose of this talk is threefold: first, I will briefly describe some of the educational uses of digital storytelling and its applicability in the new context of the Bologna Accord. Secondly, I will be showing some examples of specific instructions as to how to use Digital Storytelling in the classroom. Thirdly, I will talk about the outcomes of my own experience with digital storytelling with students from the Universitat de València.

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Digital Storytelling: New Medium In Communicating Knowledge And Information

2009 •

Harryizman Bin Harun

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Journal of pedagogic development

Telling timber tales in higher education: a reflection on my journey with digital storytelling

2015 •

Veronica Barnes

The challenges of the Higher Education landscape are the result of massification and globalisation. The general lack of preparedness in students and lack of academic literacy means that plagiarism is increasingly a challenge in written assignments. In the South African context, this is amplified, as students may be studying in their third or fourth language. Relying on students’ affinity for visual learning, digital storytelling was first used as an alternative assessment method (to a written assignment) in 2011. This paper is a reflection on a lecturer’s journey with digital storytelling, beginning with the first project in the Industrial Design programme at a University of Technology in South Africa. The short movie clips, known as digital stories, were created with off-the-shelf equipment and techniques, and any open source software available to the students. By evaluating the project using the lens of Authentic Learning, some of the benefits and challenges of using this alter...

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Digital Storytelling in Higher Education (2024)


What are the 7 elements of digital storytelling? ›

The 7 Elements of Digital Storytelling
  • Point of View. What is the main point of the story and what is the perspective of the author?
  • A Dramatic Question. ...
  • Emotional Content. ...
  • The Gift of Your Voice. ...
  • The Power of the Soundtrack. ...
  • Economy. ...
  • Pacing. ...
  • The Overall Purpose of the Story.

Why is digital storytelling important in education? ›

What are the benefits of digital storytelling in schools? Benefits include creating space for meaningful listening, persuading both the brain and the heart, allowing students to showcase their learning, and developing 21st-century literacy skills such as information, visual, technological, and media literacy.

What are the five steps to digital storytelling? ›

Now, let's dive into the 7 steps to create a great digital story.
  • 1) Start with An Idea. Every story begins with an idea, and digital stories are no exception. ...
  • 2) Research/Explore/Learn. ...
  • 3) Write/Script. ...
  • 4) Storyboard/Plan. ...
  • 5) Gather and Create Images, Audio and Video. ...
  • 6) Put It All Together. ...
  • 7) Share. ...
  • Conclusion.
Jan 13, 2022

What are the potential applications of digital storytelling in education? ›

Teachers indicated that digital storytelling increased and enhanced the use of technology in the classroom, which helped students improve their technical skills and information literacy; digital storytelling can also be applied to subjects such as English and History, and in almost all the sciences including ...

What are the 5 C's of storytelling? ›

It can highlight a call to action- if that's the desired outcome from the story. Without doubt, Closure can build enlistment and commitment, often creating an opportunity where change can take root. To review, the five Cs are: Character, Context, Conflict, Climax and Closure.

What are the 4 C's of storytelling? ›

I used to ask what made a great storytelling photograph. Now I ask a similar question about written stories, and the answer keeps coming back with 4 Cs: Concept, Characters, Conflict and Context.

What are the 3 C's of storytelling? ›

In sum, the three keys for successful storytelling are - the conflict, the characters and the climax. As a student of public speaking, stories have always helped me connect with my audience better and these three keys have been instrumental.

What are the 4 P's of storytelling? ›

Purpose infuses meaning into the story, resonating with the audience on a deeper level. In conclusion, the 4 Ps of storytelling — Plot, People, Pacing and Purpose — form a robust blueprint for crafting captivating narratives.

What are the 5 P's of storytelling? ›

It's the 5Ps: People, Places, Pictures, Platforms, and the Personal. This framework is truly useful in ensuring all the essential elements of good storytelling are on point. Whether you apply it to an entire PR campaign or a single piece, they can help you keep to quality standards.

How could you integrate digital storytelling into your teaching? ›

How to Incorporate Digital Stories in the Classroom
  1. Concept Mapping. In the concept-mapping stage, students decide on what type of story they want to tell. ...
  2. Pre-writing and Writing. ...
  3. Creating Slideshows or Video. ...
  4. Recording the Story. ...
  5. Adding Music and Effects. ...
  6. Putting it Together.

Why is digital storytelling becoming so popular? ›

In an increasingly competitive content landscape, digital storytelling allows content teams to produce content that is more visually compelling, more immersive, and better able to sustain the attention of the reader.

What are the 7 main story elements explain them briefly? ›

It may seem like your favorite story comes together with magic, but there are seven key elements of a story that you'll find in any great one: plot, character, setting, conflict, theme, point of view, and tone.

What are the 5 pillars of storytelling? ›

The Five Commandments of Storytelling are:
  • Inciting Incident. The inciting incident destabilizes the protagonist by upsetting the balance of their life for good or for ill. ...
  • Turning Point Progressive Complication. ...
  • Crisis. ...
  • Climax. ...
  • Resolution.

What are the seven golden rules of successful storytelling? ›

Aristotle's Seven Golden Rules of Storytelling are: plot, character, theme, speech (or dialog), chorus (or music), decor and spectacle.

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.