Thermosfles van staal en kunststof met glazen dop Ocean Bottle 500ml (2024)

Code: 43575

Een van de meest duurzame thermos flessen omdat hij is gemaakt van roestvrij staal en gerecycled plastic, waarbij beide componenten eerder zijn gerecycled.

+ Beschrijving + Eigenschappen

Stap 1. Selecteer de product kleur Thermosfles van staal en kunststof met glazen dop Ocean Bottle 500ml (1)

Stap 2. Selecteer de bedrukkingstechniek Thermosfles van staal en kunststof met glazen dop Ocean Bottle 500ml (2)

  • Digitale full colour bedrukking (rondom) (Rondom geprint)
  • Lasergravering (Aan een kant)
  • Zonder opdruk

Stap 3. Selecteer de hoeveelheid Thermosfles van staal en kunststof met glazen dop Ocean Bottle 500ml (3)

  • 5
  • 10
  • 25
  • 50
  • 100
  • Aangepaste hoeveelheid :

Stap 4. Selecteer de verzendmethode Thermosfles van staal en kunststof met glazen dop Ocean Bottle 500ml (4)

  • Standard

`; $("#marking_message").html(html).show(); $("#pmmi_dtop, #pmmi_dcenter, #pmmi_finalPrice, .pmmi_btn").hide(); $("#requestQuoteBtn").show(); } else { if (selectedData.quantity == 1) { $(".pmmi_btn").hide(); $("#requestSampleProduct").show(); } else { $(".pmmi_btn").show(); $("#requestSampleProduct, #requestQuoteBtn").hide(); } $("#pmmi_dtop, #pmmi_dcenter, #pmmi_finalPrice").show(); } // Display messages based on key error conditions if (response.v2.key_error.length > 0) { let html = `


`; // $("#marking_message").html(html).show(); // $("#offerData").hide(); $("#marking_message").html(html).show(); $("#pmmi_dtop, #pmmi_dcenter, #pmmi_finalPrice, .pmmi_btn").hide(); $("#requestQuoteBtn").show(); } // Update the displayed quantity with formatting $('#cantidad').html(Intl.NumberFormat(window.LOCALE, { useGrouping: true }).format(parseFloat(selectedData.quantity))); // Hide the loader pcsLoader.hide(); responseData = response; userSelectedData = selectedData; } // Function to parse a price value from an input element or HTML content. const clearPriceValues = (element, type = "text") => { // Variable to store the value extracted from the element let value; // Check the type of element (input or other) if (type === "input") { // Get the value from the input element value = $("#" + element).val(); } else { // Get the content from the HTML element value = $("#" + element).html(); } // Replace commas with dots to represent the decimal separator and parse the value to a floating-point number let cleanValue = parseFloat(value.replace(",", ".")); // Return the parsed price value return cleanValue; } // Function to formate values and update dom content const formatValue = (domobj, value) => { // Convert value to a floating-point number value = parseFloat(value); // If value is not a number, set it to 0 if (isNaN(value)) { value = 0; } // Define formatting options for displaying currency var formato = { minimumFractionDigits: 2, maximumFractionDigits: 2, currency: "EUR", // currency: "EUR", style: "currency", // style: "decimal", useGrouping: true }; // Check if domobj is "#coste_exp" if (domobj === "#coste_exp") { // If value is 0, display "Gratuito", otherwise display the formatted value with currency symbol if (value === 0) { $(domobj).text(" - " + 'Gratis'); } else { $(domobj).text(" - " + value.toLocaleString(window.LOCALE, formato)); // $(domobj).text(" - " + value.toLocaleString(window.LOCALE, formato) + " "); // $(domobj).text(" - " + value.toLocaleString('nl-NL', formato) + " €"); } } else { // Display the formatted value with currency symbol $(domobj).text(value.toLocaleString(window.LOCALE, formato)); // $(domobj).text(value.toLocaleString(window.LOCALE, formato) + " "); // $(domobj).text(value.toLocaleString('nl-NL', formato) + " €"); } // Check if the selected marking technique is "0C|0", "0SU|0", "0S|0", "0SU|1", or "0S|1" // and if domobj is "#personalizacion" var myRadio = $('input[name="tecnica_marcaje"]'); var tecnica_marcaje1 = myRadio.filter(':checked').val(); if ((tecnica_marcaje1 === "0C|0" || tecnica_marcaje1 === "0SU|0" || tecnica_marcaje1 === "0S|0" || tecnica_marcaje1 === "0SU|1" || tecnica_marcaje1 === "0S|1") && (domobj === "#personalizacion")) { // Apply specific formatting for the "0C|0" marking technique $(domobj).number(value, ""); // Display "Incluida" for the personalization cost $(domobj).text('Inbegrepen'); } } // Function to check the date asynchronously using AJAX. const dateCheck = (type) => { // Construct the URL for the AJAX request var url = "" + type; // Return a promise to handle the asynchronous AJAX request return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { $.ajax({ url: url, type: "GET", headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' }, dataType: "json", success: function(data) { resolve(data); }, error: function(xhr, status, error) { reject(error); } }); }); } // Function to generate XML data asynchronously. const generateXML = (date) => { // Get main image src let imageSrc = $("#product-main-image__zoom").attr("src"); // Get vectorizacion // let vectorizacion = getVectorizacion(responseData.personalizacion, codigoProveedor, userSelectedData.technique); var marcaje_original = parseFloat($('#original').val()); offerData = { "type": "stock", "cliente": "Presupuesto_Web", "cant1": userSelectedData.quantity, // Selected quantity "col1": userSelectedData.technique.slice(-1), // Marking colors "pos1": userSelectedData.technique.split("|")[0], // Marking technique "margen1": responseData.margen, // Get the margin // "vectorizacion": vectorizacion, // Get the vectorizacion "sales_rep": "Web", // Set the sale rep "codigo_producto": userSelectedData.simpleSku, // ---------------------------(?) // "marcaje11": parseFloat(responseData.personalizacion_prov_original) + parseFloat(vectorizacion / userSelectedData.quantity), // Get complete technique "marcaje11": marcaje_original, // Get complete technique "codigo_proveedor": codigoProveedor, //Get proveedor code "coste_extra_marcaje1": responseData.coste_extra_marcaje, // Get extra marking cose "nombre_prod": product_name, // Get product name "iva_producto": responseData.iva_producto, // Get product IVA "proveedor": $("#proveedor").val(), // GEt proveedor "precio_tech1": responseData.personalizacion / userSelectedData.quantity, "precio_unitario1": responseData.preciounitario, "lang": lang, // Get language "usb": false, "checked_value": "Proveedor", "precio_base1_gift": responseData.preciobase, "precio_tech1_gift": responseData.personalizacion, "imagen1": imageSrc, "date": date, // proveedor data "extra_base1": responseData.coste_extra_marcaje, "precio_base1_prov": responseData.precio_base_prov, "precio_tech1_prov": responseData.precio_tech_prov, "precio_unitario1_prov": responseData.precio_unitario_prov, "precio_transporte1_prov": responseData.precio_transporte_prov } let shippementData = {}; if ($("#envio_exp").is(':checked')) { shippementData = { "transporte": $("#transporte_express_label").text(), "transporte_val": $("#coste_exp_prov").val(), "precio_transporte1": clearPriceValues("transporte_express"), "tiempo_envio": $("#tiempo_exp").attr("data-tiempo") }; } else { shippementData = { "tiempo_envio": $("#tiempo_std").attr("data-tiempo") }; }; // Add shipment data in offer data offerData = { ...offerData, ...shippementData }; // Return a new Promise return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Make an AJAX call to fetch XML data $.ajax({ method: 'GET', data: offerData, url: "", success: function(data) { resolve(data); // Resolve the promise with the fetched data }, error: function(error) { console.log(error); reject(error); // Reject the promise with the error } }); }); } $("#purchaseOnlineOffer, #requestSampleProduct").on("click", async function() { try { // Call dateCheck function const date = await dateCheck('online'); // Call generateXML function await generateXML(date); // Redirect to checkout // window.location.href = '' + date; window.location.href = '' + date; } catch (error) { console.error(error); } }); // Function to handle click event on Download pdf buttuon $("#downloadOfferPDF").on("click", async () => { // Send analytics sendAnalytics('DESCARGAR .PDF [' + lang.toUpperCase() + ']', '1'); try { // URL // let url = `https://www.giftcampaign.${lang}/pdf.php`; let url = BASE_URL + `_gcscripts/getOnlineBudget.php`; // Get main image src let imageSrc = $("#product-main-image__zoom").attr("src"); // Define postData object with necessary data let postData = { "void": "1", "pdfweb": "1", "type": "online", "srcimg": "" + userSelectedData.simpleSku + ".000", "lang": lang, "proveedor": proveedor, "codigo_proveedor": window.btoa(codigoProveedor), "cantidadseleccionada": userSelectedData.quantity, "tecnicamarcajeseleccionada": userSelectedData.technique, "colorseleccionado": userSelectedData.color, "codigo_gift": userSelectedData.simpleSku, "coste_extra_marcaje": responseData.coste_extra_marcaje, "iva_producto": responseData.iva_producto, "precio_base_pdf": window.btoa(responseData.preciobase), "precio_unitario": window.btoa(responseData.preciounitario), "precio_base1_gift": window.btoa(responseData.preciobase), "precio_unitario1_gift": window.btoa(responseData.preciounitario), }; // Define shipping data object let shippmentData = {}; // Check if express shipping is selected if ($("#envio_exp").is(':checked')) { // Assign express shipping data shippmentData = { "con_express": 1, "precio_transporte1": clearPriceValues("transporte_express"), "transporte": $("#transporte_express_label").text(), "transporte_val": responseData.transporte_express.importe_prov } } else { // If express shipping is not selected // Assign standard shipping data shippmentData = { "con_express": 0, } } // Define price marking data object let precioMarcajeData = {}; // Check if personalization is included if ($('#personalizacion').text() == strincluida) { // If included, set price marking to 0 precioMarcajeData = { "precio_marcaje_pdf": 0, "precio_tech1_gift": 0, } } else { // If personalization is not included // Calculate price marking based on response data precioMarcajeData = { "precio_marcaje_pdf": window.btoa(responseData.personalizacion), "precio_tech1_gift": window.btoa(responseData.personalizacion / userSelectedData.quantity) } } // Call dateCheck function to get date const date = await dateCheck('online'); // Call generateXML function with relevant data await generateXML(date); // Merge all data objects into postData postData = { ...postData, ...shippmentData, ...precioMarcajeData, ...{ "date": date } } // Create a URLSearchParams object let searchParams = new URLSearchParams(postData); // Concatenate URL path and search parameters let newUrl = url + '?' + searchParams.toString(); gtag_report_conversion(newUrl); // console.log(postData); // Check if user is using Safari on iOS var is_ios = /iP(ad|od|hone)/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent); var is_safari = !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Version\/[\d\.]+.*Safari/); // Redirect user based on browser if (is_ios && is_safari) { // If Safari on iOS, redirect in same window $.redirect(url, postData, "POST", "_self"); } else { // For other browsers, open in new window $.redirect(url, postData, "POST", "_blank"); } } catch (error) { // Catch any errors console.log(error); // Log errors to console } }); // Function to handle click event on Virtual sample button $("#virtualSampleBtn, #requestQuoteBtn").on("click", async () => { // Send analytics sendAnalytics('ACCESO MUESTRA VIRTUAL [' + lang.toUpperCase() + ']', '1'); try { // Get main image src let imageSrc = $("#product-main-image__zoom").attr("src"); // Define postData object with necessary data let paramData = { "srcimg": imageSrc, "product_name": product_name, "lang": lang, "proveedor": proveedor, "codigo_proveedor": codigoProveedor, "cantidadseleccionada": userSelectedData.quantity, "tecnicamarcajeseleccionada": userSelectedData.technique, "colorseleccionado": userSelectedData.color + '|' + userSelectedData.colorLabel, "codigo_gift": codigo_gift, "pr": responseData.subtotal, }; if (responseData.preciobase == '0') { paramData = { ...paramData, ...{ "bajo_peticion": 1, } } } // Define shipping data object let shippmentData = {}; // Check if express shipping is selected if ($("#envio_exp").is(':checked')) { // Assign express shipping data shippmentData = { "con_express": 1, "precio_transporte1": clearPriceValues("transporte_express"), "transporte": $("#transporte_express_label").html(), "transporte_val": responseData.transporte_express.importe_prov, "tiempo_envio": $("#tiempo_exp").attr("data-tiempo") } } else { // If express shipping is not selected // Assign standard shipping data shippmentData = { "con_express": 0, } } // Call dateCheck function to get date const date = await dateCheck('online'); // Call generateXML function with relevant data await generateXML(date); // Merge all data objects into paramData paramData = { ...paramData, ...shippmentData, ...{ "nu_pr": date, "express_free": (responseData.transporte_express.is_express_free) ? 1 : 0 } } let params = $.param(paramData); let url = virtualSampleUrlKey + "?" + params; window.location.href = url; } catch (error) { // Catch any errors console.log(error); // Log errors to console } }); // Parse the JSON data from the script tag and get get jsonConfig key data let configJson = JSON.parse($('#swatch-options-config-43575').html()).jsonConfig; // Get product color options data from json config let configColorData = configJson.attributes['93'].options; // Get product images from json config let configImagesData = configJson.images; // let proveedor = $("#proveedor").val(); let codigoProveedor = $("#codigoProveedor").val(); let lang = $("#language").val(); let region = $("#region").val().toLowerCase(); let proveedores_sin_xls = ["DEONET", "AMGS", "ARPE", "GOYA", "ROLY", "DALVIN", "BIC"]; let shippmentIconURL = ""; let codigo_gift = "43575"; let product_name = "Thermosfles van staal en kunststof met glazen dop Ocean Bottle 500ml"; let strincluida = "Inbegrepen"; let strbajopeticion = "Op verzoek"; let strconversion = "AW-645401654/iDfwCPfTj9EBELaY4LMC"; //Proveedores con marcaje incluído var proveedores_incl = ["ARPE", "DALVIN", "DEONET", "BIC"]; let pcsLoader = $("#pcsResponseLoader"); var strconsultar = "Consultar"; let taxdefault = 1.23; let offerData = {}; let responseData = {}; let userSelectedData = {}; let virtualSampleUrlKey = ""; // Set the max-height of the active .pcs-item__body element to its scroll height $("").css("max-height", $("")[0].scrollHeight); // Attach a click event handler to elements with the class ".pcs-item-accordion-head" $(".pcs-item-accordion-head").on("click", expandCollapsePCS); // Attach a click event hangle to alert close icon $(".alert .btn-close").on("click", hideAlert) // Store the original HTML of the #select_label_color element let originalColorLabelHTML = $("#select_label_color").html(); // Attach click, mouseenter and mouseleave events to all elements with class "swatch-option" $(".swatch-option").on({ click: clickedSwatchOption, mouseenter: hoveredSwatchOption, mouseleave: mouseoutSwatchOption }); // Attach click event handler to element with id "customQtyUpdate" $("#customQtyUpdate").on("click", updateQuantity) // Attach click event on all steps

  • $(".pcs-item-body__list-wrapper ul li").on("click", clickedPcsStepItems); }); })
  • Thermosfles van staal en kunststof met glazen dop Ocean Bottle 500ml (2024)
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    Article information

    Author: Stevie Stamm

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5995

    Rating: 5 / 5 (80 voted)

    Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Stevie Stamm

    Birthday: 1996-06-22

    Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

    Phone: +342332224300

    Job: Future Advertising Analyst

    Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

    Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.