The Minority Voice, October 1-10, 2008 (2024)

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2008 - WHO WILL WIN. o=


9960.0 Vol XXX. ts

osas. REGISTER ALREADY "and then
ee learn all the rules of voting!


Special to the AmNews
. November 4, 2008 will he the
first. time millions of
Americans will vote, and
with that being said many

_ will go to the polls

"-unknowledgeable of voter

__tules_and regulations. With

the much intended focus on

specific candidate Ts tee.shirts
and other items. on © is

campaigning and against rules,
thus leading to getting turned
away and not being allowed to

enter the facility until shirt, "

buttons, pins, hats, are not
visible or either removed.

So is this orumor ? true or
false ? In the past time, some

may vary between bor-ders.
but most oelectioneering ?
laws are generally the same.

There are at least 11 states
explicitly prohibiting the
wearing of pins, buttons, t-
shirts and signs while voting.
in the polling place According
to Board of Elections of New
York, no candidate t-shirts,

buttons, etc will be allowed in

the voting facility, and if worn

law and if this should take

place, a 10 to 200 feet distance;

must be Kept.

With that being said,
vot-ers should check
regulations before voting and
know. the facts. In some
instances, rules can be
Subjected to change or
enforced strictly in different
areas. pie ,

or driver Ts licenses, may be
necessary. You can only vote
at your selected polling place
or election district.

Stephanie Nelsonga first

time voter from Brooklyn,

told the AmNews, There-is "~-

hot enough information to
educate first time voters
because a lot of my friends
don Tt know how to register
or even know rules and

ee «the younger " voter would argue; the law you may be turned away or Other important factors " regula-tions to vote.
8 , population and first time prohibit-ing pro-candidate asked to take off what item Voters should know is how to. - }
Jahiem Bor d voters, many will be parapher-nalia is not strictly applies to the law. properly and efficiently the © For more information, you
aniem boyd confused with the whole enforced. Or it could just be voung machines Some may . Can check resources online and
pgl2 process voting. another tactic to influence Also, any forms. of vary depending on. the at your local city or state

There has been a rumor

circulating in e-mails that,

by going to the polls with

turnout. But there is truth in

Since most election rules
are run through the state, they

heneh eles tascam

-»By Cash Michaels


Special from The Carolinian

oo Newspaper in Raleigh

at a


oCan-Vassing, ?
ocampaigning ? " or
odistributing pamphlets ? for

a candidate in the polling .

place vicinity is against the


me ¢
i * Mee ey rh
= es, 3G


districts and voting locations,
Voters should have a voter

registration card and also: a:

valid form of identification;

such as a social security card

ft & iS


: share the historic experience
, together. - ca

- The picture of elderly

district office. Factual and
accurate information can be
found at

_ RALEIGH, NC} As oad Witigvien Wiki wale
~~» @lganizations across the state . ballots they never dreamed of conference website
prepare for Oct. 16% Ts ae their lifetimes sendsa wantdetine ore tekew
oMillions Voting T March, ? the - - ae SRO ces of lions ond vdieo
new president/CEO of the ~ eee 7, aha dal Millichi Vet hieck
national NAACP says this y not only -inehadin: YouTube
massive, nonpartisan, early issih Neri eR a
get-out-the-vote effort -. fe ahinin His) wate *
"centered in the black Ce. eee ty
community - is the direct oaq, . ahr a
result of the North Carolina tanec : t North
9 Ogee a ee theme of erations ot SVOTUE
chapter Ts odiligent ? T* together, ck Hall, executive Carolina rereporting
advocacy. director of Democracy North, " ambitious p ans for the _
The NAACP _ @monpartisan voter advocacy oMillions Voting March ? in
supports early voting, or e group said. oYoung helping : hes ge
voting by absentee ballot, as oold, old teaching young, Didi a
a.way to avoid the risk of ? tespect for the lo struggle University an
your vote being denied, ? ~ and takin Sioa anit College will t:
NAACP President & CEO oThat core principle is 's towards the p
Benjamin Todd Jealous, who "ren jst part of the inspiration .A local resta
oat 35 is the youngest national conference Friday with - their votes | ~ behind the Millions Voting d that it will
NAACP president in thecivil NCW AACP Pres Rev ee March, Rev. Barber says. wiches to:
History ld Not Cacgeea, Wiliam Barber, before he fatmakesthe = oSame day, | icipants with
a tees mn re aa val keynotes the NCNAACP s Voting Ma . Tegistration and early voting - cKers. ky,
anager tpi sb Membership Luncheon at the mong other ~ no other state in the South has Durham, wh
WOOW Joy rls age A vga ee 65" annual state convention nt nonpartisan _ it No other state, ? Barber am Bell has
1340AM ede ee y re LO! in Raleigh: out-to-vofe efforts inthe continued. oSo North T endorsed the oMillions Votin
Greenville, NC NANCE Nant fs i Beyond securing the | _ state, he said, is that it uses Carolina can be first outof March, ? students from North
. a os i support of the national the proud history of the civil the gate during this historic Carolina Central University
" a iy 5 ripe psi NAACP office, Rev, Barber. rights movement to election to have millions will join with several
WOW Joy sit St pan i - has'been busily organizing encourage African- .. Yoting atthe polls from [the churches to turn out in large
1320AM + Fepistration and voting). « td promoting the oMillions Americans to make history » early voting period of] Oct, mumbers for the first day of
Washington NC eae yious contineea Voting March ? on radio ahd with their votes, 16" to November Ist. ? One Stop Barly Voting.
oThis unprecedented move i" Pint. Thus, even though ~~ __. Atpresstime, cross the state, pre-
deanna seen, Ny ue calling on communities oa ei Cony oy incre march rallies od church
Wen oo ., Millions to start voting on are encouraged to devel ev. 0 SETVICES are | planned,
THE MINORITY VOICE} to ages phy ie has a Oe. 16", ? Barber on during " their own unique oMillions appear on several nationally "_like in Wilmington, where
NEWSPAPER PICK UP: se oe he Appearance by phone on Voting Marches, ? they are... syndicated black radio organizers will also have a
YOUR COPY TODAY } °oumecan Lenya WSHA-FM's" oTraces of oalso asked to subscribe toa programs that air in North community picnic. Some
: ) formetly the manaeine citer | Facesaitd Places with Ms. core Principle of the MVM - Carolina to talk up the effort, " communities will schedule
ries is meen HOT Margaret Rose Murray ? talk honoring the community's During several their pre-march rallies the
donhigey an oe mr program Saturday in Raleigh. elderly voters by allowing leadership conference calls night before on Oct. 15, so
ai hl ee oo * 4 Barber insisted that them to vote first on Oct. 16. with community activists and " that the entire day on Oct. 16
She National Newes i during this historic ) In addition, Rev. NCNAACP presidents from _is to getting people
PRR dbs ate presidential election year that Barber said that as a across the state, Barber has _to the polls as early as
osha hemor aapranig is probably the most critical. powerful symbol of unity, not urged them to continue to possible, especially since they
See "only should young voters like oinvolve as many churches, , will close bySpm.
American andother | pana alsobe civic organizations and Groups like 100
communities of conscience © encouraged to vote first, but college students as possible so Black Men Triangle chapter
Carolina's oMillions Votin need to maximize and _ escort each elder into the that the One Stop Early sill take part in the Millions
March ? during a press. 8 ___ polling place so that they can Voting/Same Day Registration cont, Pres Jealous pgs «. ..


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Minority Voice Oct 1, -Oct 10, 2008 pg2

Commentary...Obama hits a
triple and a home run

By Ron Walters | Published



View all arficles by Ron


Commentary...Obama hits a

_triple and

a home run

(NNPA) "By all accounts
Barack Obama. won the first

of the presidential debates on

Sept. 26 over John McCain,
who was widely considered
to have more experience in
foreign affairs,


Ra RCI es om Shenae NR: ieee mitten tn eee ae es

| He.won by exceeding. ....,


For example, when McCain
alluded to the fact that he had a

_ bracelet from a woman whose

son had been killed in Iraq,
Obama countered with his own
bracelet, squelching McCain Ts
emotional point. When |
McCain charged that Obama
didn Tt understand the oSurge, ?

_ Obama countered that McCain

seemed to think the war began



ita 4 ff rem e

others, "

in 2007, then dramatically

feed into the oangry Black

man ? racial image and turn T

off some White voters; on the
other, he has to establish a
"level of policy competence

and physical ease that lets him

But as Obama got into his

speech and began to warm wp,

_ me and others; by dealing with

critical aspects of the Black 3

appear presidential. But I give _

him a triple because he could
have been much better.

_ Then next evening, however,

., &XPectations, exhibiting that Re ? stated since the war began in -

_ hada substantial grasp Of 003, McCain had been

--isstes and that he was wrong about the reason for its

| presidential, while McCain start, wrong about how

| talked in generalities and 2 American troops would be

; showed his disdain for Obama, received, and wrong about the

| Rot according him proper . tension between Sunni and

acknowledgment by refusing to Shia factions. And there were

@ look at him. - others. ,

But whatever advantage Nevertheless, it was also
McCain was thought to have somewhat unnerving to hear

over Obama by his familiarity him say at least seven times
with various heads of state that McCain was right; for
and, as he intoned, having been - him not to counter McCain
involved in every major crisis repeated message that Obama
in foreign policy in the past 25 didn Tt understand, to see
years, Obama came back McCain muscle him out of
several times, diminishing responses several times
-McCain Ts winning points. because Jim Lehrer was not in

control of the debate; to see
him not follow up on several:
obvious openings such as his
definition of the osuccess ? of
the Surge, McCain Ts slavish

- support of George Bush Ts
policies, McCain Ts lack of

support for veterans, and

T understand the problem he
has. Onrone hand, he can Tt

IS aS easy

Serre reer etree cerns neiasionnemnnmonneninnanmemeen
iui cueey Meee


Time and again, he brought the
crowd to its feet by observing
that this historical moment was
not just about him, but about

Election Day is November 4th

Vote Democratic!

re an

Our next Governor, Bey Perdue «

when Barack Obama stepped the children who might benefit
on the stage to give the and who might live to actually
keynote speech at see.a Black person in the "
Congressional Black Caucus White House. He defined
annual dinner, that he was change with his stock _
ohome could be witnessed by _ presentation on issues like
everybody who was on their "_ ending the Iraq. war, enacting "
feet, rocking to the music of, health adequate insurance and
-. oHerel am baby, signed health care, and ending the
sealed delivered, I Tm failed No Child Left Behind
yours... ? : education program. He also
: linked shoring up inadequate
: | schools in poor neighborhoods
Dbaiia was given the CBC Ts to college attendance and good,
Harold Washington Award, 4S.
named after the former mayor
Of his home city and he ~ " aa .
proceeded to acknowledge T Most important, he showed
__those who had paved his that he was conversant with
way "again, leaving out Rev, the problems of urban
"Jesse Jackson Sr. who sat ata America, pointing to the need
table in front of him. » to deal with poverty,

promoting job training and

6 States Senator, Kay Hagan *

Attorney General Roy Cooper «

Our next State Treasurer, Janet Cowell * cowellfortreasurercom
Superintendent of Public Instruction June Atkinson* «

Our next Commissioner of Insurance, Wayne Goodwin* «
Our next Commissioner of Agriculture, Ronnie Ansley

Our next Commissioner of Labor,

Suzanne Reynolds* for NC Supreme Court
Court of Appeals Judge John C. Martin*

Court of Appeals Judge James A. Wynn, Jr.*
Sam J, Ervin, IV* for NC Court of Appeals .
Judge Kristin Ruth* for NC Court of Appeals
Judge Cheri L. Beasley* for NC Court of Appeals:
Court of Appeals Judge Linda Stephens*

Paid for by the North Carolina Democratic Party, Authorized


the candidate committees named herein.
; WWww.nedp. org. |

ane Tee
Ss iach, ,

Not authorized by publicly financed candidates (*)

als Judge John 8. Arrowood*

, = publicly fiiaubad-c, HA ghar

CBC forums all week long.

Mary Fant Donnan «

ending mass incarceration
by rolling back punitive
legislation. And he felt that
we should not only be
otough on crime, ? but smart

-on crime. Gone was the
patronizing language of
moral responsibility. as the
only solution. This was not
only good for the audience
to hear assembled there, but
it was fuel for the
fundraising that he and
Michele were doing in
town, and for the message
of a strong Black turnout

_ that rippled through the

So, I give Obama a home
run for his performance at
the CBC and feel that he has
not only put many of the.
questions raised to rest, he.
also teed up a number of
issues he will bring to the
table in the'debates on
domestic issues.

(Dr..Ron Walters is the
Distinguished Leadership |
Scholar and Professor of
Government and Politics at
the University of Maryland
College Park.)

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Minority Voice Oct 1, -Oct 10, 2008 pe3

hina iis iB

~~ Mrs Beatrice Maye

In dealing with young folk "

or with anyone over whom
we have authority.
CHECK YOURSELF. live what you
preach or are the young ~

people around you getting "

conflicting messages? Are
you saying, oDoasI say, |

not as I do ?. Do you drink |

and drive? Do you lie to
your children? Do you

cheat on your taxes? Do- ~ -

you hang out with negative
people? GET INVOLVED :

you name your children Ts
friends? What is your

child studying right now in -

school? When is the last |
time you did something

your child wanted todo?


All young people have.



i own needs, feelings and
. Teputation.If you cannot

_ . Said, oWhen you get into a

: more you are driven to

please other people without
taking into account your

change the problem, change

| _ the way you view It. Good

things happen to positive

people. Let what is past,

pass. Harriet Beecher Stow
tight place and everything

goes against you until it

.. Seems that you cannot hold "
~ for a minute longer, never.
- give up then, for that is just.
. the place and time for the

tide to turn ?. Lord, help _

me to hold on until my
o change comes. The

challenge is to hold on in
bad times. TAs long as you
are here, find ways to make
yourself happy. Good things

~~ are supposed to happen to

me. No matter how bad It is
or how bad It gets, I going.
to make It.

-ATTITUDE. Are youa~

defeatists? A moaner and a °
groaner?. Is that a chip on
your shoulder? Do you
always have a story ready on
how life has done you. -
wrong? Bad relationships
drain your positive charge.
Seek out those who enpower

_ you, who Inspire and

complement:you, the

_ people who inspire you to

See great possibilities for

_ yourself. ? You really cannot "
afford to have relationships
with people whose very

; _ Suejette A, Jones om oe vel

the wrong crowd. They can
run you to death. We grow.

_ through our dreams. All great

men and women are

- dreamers. Don Tt let your |

dreams die. Nurse and protect
them through bad times and
tough times to the sunshine
and light which always come.

_ Robert Schuller: oPeople do

not plan to fail, but they do
fail to plan ?: When people
don Tt see instant results,
many become discouraged
with their dreams and goals.
They become impatient. You
must have patience. Your
time is going to come If you
work diligently and =
meticulously. Persist until you
succeed. From: Les Brown,
oOversleeping is a mighty
poor way to make your
dreams come true ?. No"
comes true until you wake up
and go to work ?. oWE cannot
dream ourselves into what we
could be ?: |


| Marian Wright Edelman,

Founder and President of the

devoted to the rleeds of all

YOURS. She is also the
mother of three sons and ©
lives in Washongton,DC

+. Words of Wisdom and Wit


we eh

is not your mother or maid,
but your partner and friend

4. Talk often with your spouse |

5. Be honest) «ss
6. Be confident that you can.
make adifference
7, Don Tt ever stop learning -
and improving your mind "

8. Be a can-do, will-try person

9. Learn to be alone without
being lonely " |
10. Always remember that I
am with you !

People are unreasonable,

~ illogical and self centered.

ws 5 i


Love them anyway!

, If you do good, people will

accuse you of selfish ulterior
Do good anyway!

If you are successful, you
false friends and true enemies
__. Succeed anyway!

ink big anyway! °
Pe le favor age

___ follow only top dog:
Fight for some underdogs




Help people anyway!

Give the world the best you "
have and you Tll get kicked in
the teeth
Give the world the best
you Tve got anyway



1. Beanexample. |
Albert Schweitzer once
said, oExample is not the
main thing in influencing
others - it is the only
thing ?.

2. Keep it simple. To
communicate to your.
children, begin look-ing "
around for everyday "
occurrences and objects "
you can use to convey
deeper ideas to them.
Keep it simple.

3. Be sensitive. Listen.
to their concerns.

4.Keep it short. Limit
devotions to three minutes.

5. Make it
exciting. Read Bible
stories, watch and _

~ Allmen make mistakes, buta

__ good man yields when he

| knows,his course is wrong,

and repairs the evil. oThe only
sin is pride. ? ,


Witty and Wise Sayings

A man wrapped up in himself
makes a very small parcel. '

John Ruskin

_ [cannot give you the formula
for success, but I can give you
the formula for failure - which

"ig: Try to please everybody.

Herbert Swope

_ Courage is what it takes to -
is also what itstakes to sit '
down and listen.

6. Beflexible. Do

things in the car, at meals,

«inthe peol,

People really need help but i.

may attack you if youhelp "
them :

7. Be consistent.
Taking time to talk about

lifestyle, not just on

specific occasions,,

8. Keep
expectations realistic.
The time you spend
with them will shape
them for a lifetime.

9. Be arent with
them. Let ther know that
we are real peo-ple with
fears and faults just like

10. Begin today. The
time you spend with your
children will reap eternal
dividends/benefits. Your .
children will never forget
what they learned from.
parents. Be a Godly mom
and dad, please. From:

_ Rev. John Maxwell, senior "

pastor, Skyline Wesleyan:
Church, San Diego. °

Note: Subscribe to: Focus T cin |

the Family 5
P.0. Box 35500 Colorado
Springs, CO 80935-3550 (It Ts
Free) 4 7


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nnn nT ,

Minority Voice Oct 1, -Oct 10, 2008 ped

, Par *

Sow A Seed
Joy R. Brown ,
God Ts Purpose Shall Prevail

oYou can make many: plans,

but the Lord Ts purpose shall
_ prevail. ? Proverbs 19:21

. (NLT)

I believe: it would be a safe

assumption to say that most of
us plan to succeed in life, We
plan to fulfill the purpose of
why we were created.
Somehow, unfortunately, we
have taken the wrong turns in
life that have either detoured or
delayed the fulfillment of the
intended reason of why we
were created. However, today,
I want to-encourage each of
you, as I have encouraged

myself through the Word of |

God. Proverbs 19:21, as it is
written in the New Living
Translation, oYou can make

many plans, but the

Lord Ts. purpose

shall prevail. ?
- When I read this
one morning, my
outlook on
fulfilling my
purpose was
awakened. I have
made many plans
or goals for my life,
but somehow it
was such a fight or
Struggle to see:
them come to pass,
I suddenly realized
that those were my
plans but not the
purpose of God for
my life. My plans
were to excel in corporate
America but God Ts purpose
was for me to use life Ts
experiences to minister to
others. 3

Many times we do not
understand why our lives take
so many unexpected turns, I Tve

_ learned over the years, that the

unexpected events that have

occurred in my life were |

leading me directly to the
purpose of God for my life.
According to. Jeremiah 29:1 l,
it says, oFor I know the plans I
have for you says the Lord,
They are plans for good and not
for disaster, to give you a future
and a hope. ? I am convinced
that God has already prepared
the map for our lives, It Ts up to
us to use the Spiritual

Navigating System to reach our -

divine purpose in Him:

Our plans are limited but the
purpose of God has no limits.

" " " "L "L " " " "=_ " "_ "_ "_ "__.._._..___

Coming To The Performing Art Center


My name is Sherida Suggs.
Tam 28-years old, born and
raised in North Carolina. I
have an AAS Degree in Early
childhood and am currently
attending Ashford University
to obtain a degree in Business
and Organizational Manage-
ment with a concentration in

Early Childhood. My hobbies ?

include singing, dancing,
writing and acting. My future
goals include writing,
directing, and producing my
own inspirational play(s),
creating a gospel album, and
giving back to my community
and church in a positive way,
I became interested in drama
because I felt that my mission
in life was to touch the lives
of other people by using the
gifts and talents that God has
blessed me with. I wanted to
spread the word to others
about the choices that we
make in life that can and will
affect our future, Having
made many unwise choices as
a teenager, and still as an
adult I was saved by God Ts

[have been acting since 2001

beginning with TDM, in

T. Kinston, NC and ministered

through a number of dramas
including, oFrom Boys to
Men o, ?"When The Doors Are

APY Nab akon alah a le Aika

closed ?, oPreacher Man ?, and
oDead Wrong ?. In 2005, I
appeared as Kim in the
Gospel Comedy, That No
Good Woman, with David
Payton Promotions. My latest
role was Ronnie in The House
that Joy Built,

Acting has been a dream of
mine ever since I was in
middle school and I saw my
first David Payton
Production, A Good Man is
Hard to Find, I have also
written plays for church.

No More Than I Can Bear

will be my first stage

production. All about abuse
atid domestic violence this
play also tells of a young girl
who overcomes these trials
because of her strong
Christian upbringing,

No More Than I Can Bear
will play in Kinston, NC
November 8, 2008 at 7pm at
The Kinston High School

Performing Arts Center in

Kinston NC

nt hh a


When we acknowledge Him in
all. our ways, He will direct our
paths. Many times our plans
may lead to destruction with

regrets and disappointments as

a testimony. Sometimes our
plans may cause us to
compromise our values and
standards. If we will seek after
God for the true purpose He
intended for us when He
created us, our lives we have
much more fulfillment.

I encourage you today to
evaluate the plans for your life.
After you have evaluated them,
find out where God is in the
midst. In spite of what we
desire to do, God has a greater
purpose in mind. God Ts
thoughts and ways are greater
than ours. Allow God to

perform a 320 in your life.
According to Ephesians 3:20

(NLT), oNow glory be to God!
By His mighty power at work
within us, He is able to
accomplish infinitely more
than we would ever dare to ask
or hope. ?

Dare to exchange your plans
for God Ts purpose for your life.


OCTOBER 1, 2008


The Wilmington Journal
Originally posted 9/29/2008

oT exhort therefore, that, first
of all, supplications, prayers,
intercessions, and giving of
thanks, be mad for all men; for
kings and for all that are in.
authority; that we may lead a
quiet and peaceable life in all
godliness and honesty, I
Timothy 2:1-2

The ministry of intercessory
Prayer is a high calling of God
which is very vital to the Body
of Christ. Much focus, time,
and attention has been given to
the ministry of teaching,
preaching, and prophesying,

because they have such impact .

on the saving faith of :
These opublic ministries ? are

effective, rewarding, and

fulfilling for many servants of
the Lord, But, there are other
servants, not quite so heralded
because their ministries are ,
obehind the scenes ?, The
ministry of intercessory prayer
is also very rewarding and
fulfilling, not to mention
effective and necessary to the
Body of Christ! Ministries all

| She's working for all of us!





xperienced, | fective Le

4 4 P
VOICE Tor the Ease,

( rreenvulli



Community Chris

tian Church

over the world would crumble
and fall without the support of
these unsung heroes/heroines
called oIntercessory Prayer

ehind every great church is
a band or me of
Intercessory Prayer Warriors.
They may or may not hold
any positions, and they may
not carry a Title in the church,
but when they pray, it is with

_ POWER! When they pray,

something happens and things
change! They are praying
When others are sleeping.
They are praying when others
are out shopping and
recreating. They are fasting
while others are eating
sumptuous meals.

They are people who believe
that God listens when they
pray for others.

Many of us can testify, that
we are the product of the
Power of Intercessory Prayer.

Have you ever been:so
concerned about someone that
you felt driven to pray for
them? Have. you-ever felt the
prayers of others for you? Are
you a prayer warrior? Would
you like to be one?

There are many great
intercessors in the bible,
among which are Abraham,
Solomon, Daniel,
Hezekiah.....the list goes on
and on! But, the greatest

* intercessor by far is our Lord

and Savior Jesus Christ, for
he interceded to God the
Father on behalf of all

Mankind. Scripture shows us

that Jesus was an intercessor
for the sins of many, (Isaiah
53:12). In Luke 22:32, he
made intercession for the
weak brethren: Jesus even
interceded for his enemies,
when he said, oFather forgive

them, for they know not what
they do. ? In Luke 23:34. We
are saved because of the
Lord Ts intercession.
(Hebrews 7:28)

As Christ Ts disciples, we are
to follow in his footsteps, and
to do what he would do when
confronted with the same
issues. We can name it and
claim it all day long, but until
we live it, we are not |
Christians! We are not

rfect, but we are forgiven!
We all have a measure of
faith, and we all have the
capacity to love one another.

This is the mark of true
discipleship, for by this shall
men know that we are his
disciples, because we have
love one for another,

Intercessory Prayer shows.
servant Ts heart. When we love
him enough to keep his
commandments, we can love
one another enough to pray
for each other,

Jesus is the perfect example
for one who is striving to
please God the Father.

Just as Jesus interceded for
sinners, a true intercessors Ts
heart cry is the same as his
Lord Ts. We are saved, because

somebody prayed for us, If

you see a need, why not
intercede ? Jesus interceded
for the weak brother, our
prayers should reflect the

_ Same concern for the soul:

Jesus interceded for his
enemies and showed us how
to get the victory. You may
hate what the enemy has
done, but you love the soul
and pray for deliverance. You
cannot effectively do this
without the Holy. Spirit. The
Power of Intercession will
yield the fruit of forgiveness,
and that Ts what love is all

Tell Somebody!!

Mvites you to a

Birthday/ Appreciation Celebration

A White Tie Event T


Lastor James D. Corbet

Trida y, October 24, 2008

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ae . F x y , , (. oy
oLHe Jockey Club a
if] py |

ro AN


t AOCK Springs


View Image 5


Voting March through their
oReal Men: Vote ? program.

oThe goal of this
initiative is too partner
with civic organizations
as a catalyst for raising
civic Constiousness and
increasing voter
participation, ? Anthony:
Jeffries, president of 100-
Black Men Triangle
Chapter said. oWe can
use Our program and [the

] Mitiative to get the

community involved, ?

oWe want,everyone to
turn out Oct. 16". Don Tt wait
until Nov. 4, ? Rev, Barber
told Ms. Murray on WSHA-
_. FM last Saturday, oWe want a

massive movement for the
cause, ?

For more information T
about the Millions Voting
March and how your
community can take part, call
the NC NAACP at 866-NC :
NAACP (866-626-227) OF
919-682-4700, or visit the
website at
for more information.

Special Olympics Coach Skates To"

by Michael Adams

On Saturday, September 27,
2008 Mr David Nelson rosé
up early in the morning to do
one of the things that he most
enjoys. David has a passion
and love for skating that -
drives him to skating rinks all
over the state, The difference
in this day is that he not only

| skate. for es nett aed but Ge

special need. Being a a member
of Sweet Hope FWB Church
he received donations for a
chance to help others. The
distance this time was from _.
one county to another. The
counties included Pitt and
Beaufort.Counties in NC, The
most notable thing in this
effort is that David Nelson is
a Senior Citizen, When ever
you wanted to find David
Nelson (aka COACH) for a
long time would be at the now
converted ice skating rink in
Greenville, NC. Many can
recall the days when they
would take a fall at our
former skating rink and Cach

Voter registration in
North Carolina ends this
Friday, Oct. 10.
4 Persons 18 or older (or
if you will be age 18 by
November 4) who are citizens

of the United States, and have "

resided in a North Carolina
community for at least

~~ days prior to the next election,

may register to vote,
Ex-felons who have

served their time, including

probation or parole,

- automatically have their voting

rights restored, and can also
register to vote. Those who -
have been convicted only of
misdemeanors always have the
right to register and vote.

If an eligible person
misses the Oct. 10 registration

deadline, they can both register

and vote on the same-day
starting Thursday, Oct. 16
through Saturday, November 1
at either their county Board of
Elections, or satellite One Stop
Barly Voting Site,

All county Boards of »

Elections will conduct One-

Saturday, Oct. 25, and also

_ Board of Elections for

- Satellite locations in your

. form of ID proving your name

Elections, or to

~ Vllieliy Ven Oct 1,-Oct 18,808 pgs

Stop voting during normal
business hours (9 a.m. to 5
p.m.) Monday through Friday, |
from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on

The Temple of

Bishop James L, Woolard
Founder & Pastor
Georgia M. Woolard
; 1st Lady Mother :
Church 252-946-1466 «Home 252-946-4435
906 West 8th Street » Washington, NC 27889

Co Gob Be the Glory Ministry n

from 9 a.m. until 1pm on the
last Saturday (November ist)
prior to Election Day.

Check with your local

specific times at various

If you register and

vote during this period, you

will be required to bring some

and place of residence.

If you are already
registered to vote, but haven Tt
voted in several past
elections, you can check your
current voting status by going
online to your local Board of


for that, and any other NC
election information you may
need. |


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' Music, Clergy/Choir Robes, Church Supplies,
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H 4 * OF
dahide he

0 4% U fi f


wm ts a

would be there tohelp them the event we were greeted by

--Up. Many young people and one person who passed on the

Some adults learned to skate highway who just happened ©

with the aid of Coach Nelson. to be one of those skaters

It was a great pleasure to Coach inspired in skating

assist Coach Nelson ashe put some years ago. , ;

on his skates early that Satur- | was honored to be a part of

day morning to make the , _ this journey. I Tm also proud to

journey from Greenville to say this is my cousin who also |

Washington, NC. As my wife inspires me to keep my head ff Cl |

and I followed him, for safety up after so many trials in my |
Feasons, we noticed the many " |ife, Love you cuz keep on san You may request an absent al to be mailed to you. This canbe done by visitng the

. other people on the highway doing what you do. Office and completing an absentee request form Or you may mail a written request to the Elections

who wavied and blew there Michael Adams a The deadline to request an absentee ballot is October 28°

horns. That was enough but "_ "Bditor: Minority Voice

when we came to the end of Newspaper Pa a il np win Sse Ce i,
eh : Sil Bae Tocations, dates, and times ae as follows:

Ty Cony Aili loteninn ts Convene, Ginn
idiny Arts and Crafts Room - 4861 County Home Ra, Creeavile
1 ening wrmer Council on Aging facility) - 1717 W. 5* St,, Greenville
Hoars of operation for the above 3 sites are:
o4 October 16" through November 1*
Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
7 Satdays 8:00 an 10 10pm

Jaycee Park Recreation and Parks Auditorium - 2000 Cedar La., Greenville
Winterville Fire Station Community Room " 2593 Railroad St., Winterville
Hours of operation for the above 2 sites are:

_ October 16" through November 1
Monday ~ Friday 11:00 am to 7:00 pm
Saturdays 8:00 am to 1:00 pm

Newman Catholic Student Center Sanctuary 963 , 10 ? Se, Greenvite
oe yee ete
' October 24" through November 1*
) Monday - Friday 11:00 am to 7:00 pm
Saturdays 8:00 am to 1:00 pm

| | fence cy ies wil be he oly One-Stop site
| Seah be pashan a aati

J) seer denim et rapenion by Ose 0 you can il git end wo
to take advantage opportunity you must complete a
| | Posten poles inn cr


View Image 6

soeaieeeiniic ital ninaa


oTf we continue to have more

Minority Voice Oct 1, -Oct 10, 2008 pg6



Lawmaker mulls old Duke
idea: Paid sterilization
by The Associated Press

suburban New Orleans
legislator has proposed
revisiting an idea from former
Ku Klux Klan leader David
Duke: paying poor women to
undergo sterilization as a way
to shrink welfare rolls and
government costs.

Rep. John LaBruzzo Ts
suggestion prompted outrage
Wednesday from several of
his fellow lawmakers and
advocacy groups, The
Louisiana chapter of the
American Civil Liberties
Union called the idea mean-
spirited and said it would s . feat: a yo
discriminate against black Rt

LaBruzzo, R-Metairie; said
the idea would involve the
state giving $1,000 to women
who rely on government
support like welfare and food
stamps if they agree to have
their fallopian tubes tied, He
said it was too early to say
whether he would introduce
such a bill during the 2009
legislative session, but he said
he was researching it.

people using government to
support them as opposed to
those who are supporting
government with their taxes,
government will collapse as
we know it and will cease to
exist, ? LaBruzzo said in a
phone interview.

The idea " first reported this
week in an New
Orleans CityBusiness " lit
up talk radio lines and
prompted fiery debate on
blogs around the country, The
former chairman of the
Louisiana Legislative Black
Caucus said the idea was

oLaBruzzo Ts an idiot, ? said
Rep. Juan LaFonta, D-New
Orleans, whose
black caucus chairman ended
this summer. oI think it Ts
totally disrespectful to poor
people in this country. ?

The proposal appeared HYG | al Page er: | .
unlikely to garner the support wi) ee Ci ior: alae . SOLE) CER oe
needed for passage in the fii T

Louisiana Legislature.

Gov. Bobby Jindal Ts office,
when asked to comment on
the idea, responded with a
statement from Chief of Staff ie
Timmy Teepell. oIt Ts a non-
starter, ? Teepell said.

House Speaker Jim Tucker,
R-Terrytown, also said he
didn Tt believe the proposal
would gain traction, oI doubt | ?
it, but he Ts free to put in a bill
and see where it goes, ?
Tucker said,

The voluntary sterilization *
idea isn Tt new in Louisiana. t
Duke, who held LaBruzzo Ts
State House seat from 1989 to
1992, first raised the idea.

Opponents of such plans have
long called the proposal
racist, a suggestion LaBruzzo
vehemently denied
Wednesday. He said more
whites than blacks receive
welfare checks in the state.

oAnybody who says this is
racist is an idiot and doesn Tt
have a grasp of the facts. The

cont. . , sterile pg Ii ) : wien , Ce Se Mam.


View Image 7

_ White women speak up for

Ob: PI g) Counter judiciary Betsy Clark, president ofthe
AMA roar cy National Association of

( - White -
women voters have become
the talk of the election and the
prize for candidates trying to T
win their vote. Leaders of
several national women Ts
organizations primarily
composed of White women
recently came together to say
Sen. Barack Obama is their
candidate. |

Representing omillions and
millions of women, ? the
National Organization of
Women (NOW) Political |
Action Committee (PAC), the
Feminist Majority PAC, the
National Association of

Social Workers, the Business
and Professional Women Ts
PAC and the National
Congress of Black Women
made the voices of everyda
womenheard. = a


_ oFromi teachers to social
workers, from business
owners to college students, .
women in this country are.
lining up behind the candidate
who is out there every day _
standing up "clearly and
consistently- "for women, ?
said Kim Gandy, president of
NOW. oWomen of all ages,
races and ethnicities are _
coming together in support of
Sen. Obama and his pledge to
fulfill this country Ts promise
of equal opportunity. for our
daughters as well as all. our
sons. ?

Edeh Of the organizations had
completed an issue-by-issue
comparison of the candidates T
records prior to the
announcement and each
independently came to the
conclusion that Senator
Obama was the best man for
women Ts rights and women Ts
issues. -

oWomen simply cannot afford
. 4 President McCain, ? said
Eleanor Smeal, president of
the Feminist Majority. oHe

would stack the Supreme

Hillary voters: Sarah Palin is

_ generations; stubbornly women are smarter than to

- pursue a policy of endless war just vote for any woman.
no matter the costinhuman oWhile we are pleaséd that a
lives and dollars; and woman is on the ticket, we
continue Bush failed are Concerned that she is not
economics and political the best woman candidate T -
policies. ? based on the issues. Women

ak will not vote for John McCain
These organizations do not simply because he has a
tegularly endorse presidential woman as a running mate,
candidates. NOW supported es, |
Sen. Hillary Clinton in the oWomen know that they need
Democratic primary. The to cast their vote based on the
selection of Alaska Governor policies set forth by the
Sarah Palin as the Republican candidates, regardless of
vice'presidential candidate gender, ? she said.
has forced these groups to aoe
take an aggressive stand in For many Black women the
this election. _ ° issue of who to vote for is

oJohn McCain just doesn Tt get | : ie
it. He doesn Tt understand oOur country needs the
women voters and especially | Women to come to the rescue

in this election. By women, I

the women in their lives

hidden away without ambition

of their own, ? said Dr. E.

Faye Williams, national chair

of Black Women for Obama.

Listen To The
For a
Election UpDates


no Hillary Clinton, You can Tt | Mean women who have a
attract Hillary voters and long history of working for j
women voters witha woman __ the best interest of women N00 p
opposed to what Hillary and families "not those who Whim...
stands for, ? said Ms. Smeal, _are just reading from a script rl we ay
_ and trying to outdo those =.
oSarah Palin stands with John who'd be happy with keeping hoe enh a
McCain, who is opposed to ) ; : 1
affirmative action for women It R RE p
in public employment, public % :
education and public " , | i ; |
contracting, is opposed to \: | Be .
legislation fighting wage | :
discrimination for women, is
- Opposed to the Violence . :
. Against Women Act authored
by Sen. Joe Biden and has a
zero rating with women Ts
Tights groups, ?
Polls showed a dramatic 7
switch in White women etowlon Terrence
pis tn tte to MENS HAIRCUT
en. McCain immediately
after the announcement of his $10.00 TO $12.00
vice presidential pick of Gov, SHAVE $5.00
: $5.00
oWe have to wait and see if
these numbers hold true, ? said m NECKLINE TAPER&EDGE
Ms. Smeal. oIt Ts not enough aoe $5.00
to break the glass ceiling for BOY'S HAIRGUT $8.00 ¥
one woman and leave : o
millions behind. Palin Ts _ BEAUTICIAN'S PRICING VARIES
positions are so out of touch ACCORDING TO HAIRSTYLE
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: Advertisem*nt for Bids |

_}Swan Quarter Watetfront Park
| [Swan Quarter, North Carolina

: _ [Seated BIDS for the construction of a gazebo and ramp in
Swan Quarter, NC will be received by Alice Keeney at Cahoon |

& Kasten Architects, 118 W. Woodhill Dr., Nags Head, NC until

_| [Wednesday, October 15, 2008 at 3:00 pm and then at said office

publicly opened and read aloud.
The Contract Documents may be examined at the following

_|locations: Cahoon & Kasten, Architects, 118 W. Woodhill
_ [Prive, Nags Head, NC or at the following plan rooms:

Contractor Ts Resource Connection, LLC, 400 South Road St., |
[Suite B-1, Elizabeth City, NC; Carolina AGC, (McGee eg
- [Reprographics) 2095 Evans St., Greenville, NC: UPS Store,

2236 S. Croatan Hwy., Ste. 6, Nags Head, NC 27959 and ~
digitally at Reed Construction Data, McGraw Hill Dodge Plan
Room and Carolina AGC. Copies of the Contract Documen
may be obtained at the office of Cahoon & ten, Architects,
located at 118 W. Woodhill Dr., Nags Head, NC 27959 upon
payment of $25.00 for each set, sig s

Any BIDDER or nlon-bidder, upon soreturning the.
CONTRACT DOCUMENTS promptly and in good condition

| Will be refunded $25.00. The owner reserves the tight to award

4 contract or reject any or all bids. Hyde County, in accordance
with goals adopted for-participation by minority businesses,
encourages minority businesses to submit bids. The contract
will be awarded without regard to race, religion, color, creed,

national origin, sex, age or handicapping condition, as defined

{y.N.C: General Statutes, Section 1684-3. oAll contractors
submitting bids for this project shall verify that such contractor

does not discriminate in the employment of any subcontractors
nor does it discriminate in the purchase of materials or |
equipment for reason of race, religion, color, creed, national
origin, sex, age or handicapping condition as defined by NCGS
168A-3. Each contractor submitting a bid shall further verify
that it has directly solicited and encouraged participation by

{Minority subcontractors and minority businesses and in the

event of solicitation of bids by subcontractors, has directly
i and encouraged participation in the bidding process by
Date: September 29, 2008 Benjamin B. Cahoon, AIA

choreographers |


ae feof onda de eles ele ets Onde Baal t ee 4
apa TaN ey eg th : Las

nea, somata ny a... ray, a |
ani tik iien 4

hid pig xcomnodin wr he Amen wih Debi An (ADA) ld one de Depenma f
Bethy Span tien a eat ta pent cen AE ONOeTTN \

eats neal pin in che dai 7
because it can clog sewer lines, which
can lead to sewer spills. GUC does every-
thing it can to prevent sewer spills, but we

can't do it alone. We need your help!

The best way you can ocease the grease ? is
to never pour grease (things like oil, butter,
margarine, shortening, pan drippings, and
sauces) down the drain. Instead, let it cool
_ down, collect it in a container "like a used
_ 8OUp can or mayonnaise jar "and throw it
away in the trash,

For more information, please visit or call 551-1551,


POD 1847, Genie, NC 27835-1847 -752°7166- wwmguccam


View Image 8

ge Ee ee
ws * =

Minority Voice Oct 1; -Oct 10, 2008 pg8


_ | Morehouse College, Congratulations and much continued success to our young brothers.



Morehouse Graduate ... . pictured above is Walter and Mayor Pro-Temp Mildred Council | |

with son Baker who graduated from Shaw University and Logan who graduated from

Keep Up The Good Work photo M. Adams


Judge James (Jim) Wynn

lor NC Court of \ppeals

. ohave been honored to serve you as.a judge for nearly 18
years. | work hard and treat everyone fairly and with
respect. | ask for your support. Please vote; and vote early, ?

Judge Wynn Has Gotten Many Endorsem*nts:
Learn more at: .

Early Voting is October 16th "November ist

Don Tt Forget the Judges " Vote Your Choices!
Paid for by the Judge Jim Wynn Re-Election Committee.



| babies are at a higher risk of disease and disability, such as .


Wehbe me abdubhenie, dis, ge

The Oral-Systemic C
oCleaning Visit ? es 8
The mouth is filled. with countless bacteria. These
bacteria produce toxins and enzymes that irritate the gums
and cause inflammation. This can lead to damaged
attachment of the gums and bone to the teeth. This is how
periodontal disease begins and progresses until there is loss -
of teeth. There are several risk factors that contribute to its
progression and speed of progression, such as cigarettes or
tobacco usage, systemic diseases, multiple medications, ill-
fitting dental work, hormonal changes and genetics. But
what you probably didn Tt know is the effects that gum
disease has on your body! Research now shows, without a
shadow of a doubt, that gum disease plays a key role in the
development of coronary heart disease, which can
potentially cause heart attacks, strokes and infective
endocarditis(inflammation of the inner lining of the heart
and/or its valves). Ultimately, any of these adverse side
effects could lead to death. There is also a strong correlation
between gum disease and pneumonia, emphysema, COPD,
bronchitis and premature births. Unfortunately, pre-term -

breathing and lung problems. In severe cases, pre-maturity
can and more times too often results in death. There are
several underlying major diseases that are accelerated and -
become more aggressive because of gum disease, Research
shows that infection in the mouth creates a constant source
of infection into our bloodstream. This puts a huge strain
on our immune system and ultimately brings down our
overall health and well-being. | | | |

Hopefully, you can better appreciate how important
it is to maintain good oral health. This is why it is important
tous, atCONTEMPORARY DEN TAL, to redefine
your oannual 6-month check-up ? or what most refer to as
a osix month cleaning. ? It is no longer just a cleaning! It
has become much, much more. wear.

The hygienists of the 21* century do not clean teeth, they


save lives!

Please send questions and

requests for further information to ne

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Dinners starting at $6.00

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and butter beans =

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Sat: 2:00 - 8:00pm

onnection; Pt 1: Redefining the ||

Cine nnna ceane te

With First Citizens Community Mortgage Lending, home buying has never

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View Image 9

| meri oe Oct 1, -Oct 10, 2008 pg? __

THE CREW AT THENEW PK GRO Ia Grosalle NC [iro Bri Get iad soko fdas fa Se Om Dero]

ae *

| THE CREW.... from left to right is Calvin Edwards »Britney Greene, Lizz

Wms,Teena Edwards, Michael Poore, Lintaye Warren, B.T. Bakenar, Domnique we ie Wor: ie EL
Sharp Sarah Blakley, Melvin Blakley, Calvin Camack, not pictured Justin Station a |
COUNCELWOMAN COUNCIL (far right) long withJanet Cowell, NC
| Jahiem Boyd was awarded the CHOICES Scholarship to attend NCCU in Durham, Treasurer hopeful(left) stand with theAsst. P astor and his lovely Wife of

NC Presented d by

er Art Sheree oer also recelyes he oe for NC oe eee our young people to belt 2 :


See our entire titi. at
www.freewebs com/aaog/

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View Image 10

Minority Voice Oct 1, -Oct 10, 2008 pgl0















° oo
* oThave been honored to serve you as a judge for nearly 18
; years. I work hard and treat everyone fairly andwith
e. respect. ask for your support. Please vote, and vote early. ?
: :















Judge Wynn Has Gotten Many Endorsem*nts: |
Learn more at:

Early Voting is October 16th "November 1st
: Don Tt Forget the Judges " Vote Your Choices!
Paid for by the Judge Jim Wynn Re-Election Committee _

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Congressman GK. Butterfield . .. (top photo) Ma Temp of Greenville, Mrs i112 Hot ogs |
Mildred Council and Congressman G, K. Butterfield and (bottom photo) Dr Muchiteni 11 a a i.

and Judge Magistrate Bobby Hardy encourage all to get out and vote. photo J. Rouse. ; os French Fries & Drink : French Fries & Drink

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The Pitt Memorial Hospital Foundation is accepting letters of intent for
. grants or funding to support projects in the program's focus areas:
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* Minority Health
| * Senior Services
* Nutrition/Physical Activity .
The grants will be awarded as part of the Foundation Ts 2009-2010 , y OU. | rake
Community Benefits and Health Initiatives grants program. | 1
} Grant funding for 2009-2010 is restricted to Pitt County and will not be
r awarded for medical research. Only government entities or non-profit
| organizations with 501 (c) (3).status are eligible for funding,
The grant period is for July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010.
Letters of intent should include the following: m ant electric cooperative that Ts always look for you and our gammunin
* Brief organizational history :
* Project description; include target population
-* Explanation of how the project addresses the prograrr T fi : | ae
ae above) Pm) Programs Sryue Same _ Your North Carolina Ts Touchstone Energy cooperatives are not only dedicated to.
* Dollar amount being uested . delivering safé, reliable energy, but to conserving it, Join us by choosing Energy
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heh il energy use and suggest ways to conserve, As a member of your community,
. ee ae ? received by November 10, 2008. Submit we are committed to being a friend to the environment.
North Carolina Ts
, Electric Cooperatives
Pitt Memorial Hospital Foundation hc, exe
: 7
Community Benefits Grants Program .
BO, Box 8489, Greenville, NC 27835-8489 he iM MG ke 3
ks te | J to |


View Image 11

"from pg 6... ~ Sterile ie

people who say that are racist
because they see everything
as black and white. They are
racist because they assume
everyone on Welfare is black, ?
LaBruzzo said.

Marjorie Bouisis the ;
executive director of the
American Civil Liberties
Union of Louisiana, didn Tt
call LaBruzzo Ts proposal
racist. But she said it would ~
have racial implications
because blacks are : :
disproportionately poorer in
the country.

She said the idea was a
misguided attempt to
eliminate poverty by
eliminating the poor. Esman -

said LaBruzzo should suggest

instead proposals. that would
provide economic and
educational opportunities to
the poor so they can improve
their circ*mstances, ~~

oWe would not want those
people to feel like they have a
quick cash incentive to give
up their rights to have
children. You have people -
being pressured to take
money when they Tre in
desperate circ*mstances, ?
Esman said. :

LaBruzzo tossed such
criticism aside,

oThey Tre not responsible
enough to make this decision,
but they Tre responsible
enough to raise eight kids and
makg them productive

members of society? ? he said,

LaBrozzo said a state
incentive for voluntary
sterilization was one of
several ideas he was studying
__ as he looked at ways to break
othe generational welfare
cycle. ? He said he Ts received

more phone calls from people -
supporting the proposal oat 8:

criticizing it,

Louisiana welfare data
indicate that LaBruzzo Ts 8
Claims about rising welfare

costs are Gnfoiinded: The

number of people collecting
welfare has every
year for almost two decades,

In the 2006-07 fiscal year,

- more than 13,000 recipients
_ got welfare checks in
_ Louisiana, for a cost of $16.5

million, aecording to data
from the Louisiana
Department of Social
Services. That Ts down from
279,000 recipients'in 1990-
91, costing $187,9 million.

Food stamp usage has
remained more steady. In the
1990-91 year, food stamps
were given to nearly 737,000
recipients, at a cost of $585

- thillion, By 2006-07, the

number of recipients had
dropped to nearly 616,000,

~ but the cost had grown to

$742 million.

LaFonita said LaBruzzo T §
obeen known as the dumbest

_ legislator in the House of

Representatives, ? He
compared the sterilization

: an posal to oa page out of a

of communism ? and to

- Hitler Ts exterminations of the

Jews and other groups
considered undesirable.

The idea also recalls the
legacy of eugenics in the
United States. In the first half
of the 20th century, more than

two dozen states passed laws |

allowing the involuntary

osterilization of those deemed

unfit for reproduction,

including convicts and those
with what were considered
~ mental or Physical defects.

, LaFonta Said just the mention
~ Of voluntary sterilization of
poor women hurts Louisiana
nationally as it seeks federal
aid from hurricanes Gustav
and Ike - "- and continuing
assistance to oe the cs

oThis is going to hammer us

On our national Perspective, ?
: sabe said. ee



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The Minority Voice, October 1-10, 2008 (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.