best run stopping defense madden 21 (2024)

best run stopping defense madden 21 (1)

When it comes to playing Madden 21, having a strong defense is key to winning games. And if you're looking for the best run stopping defense, you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll explore the top strategies, formations, and players you need to shut down your opponent's running game and dominate the field.

First and foremost, one of the most effective ways to stop the run in Madden 21 is by using the right defensive formation. The 4-3 Over and 3-4 Odd formations are both great choices, as they provide a solid base of players who can quickly fill gaps and make tackles. However, it's important to mix up your plays and use different formations throughout the game to keep your opponent guessing.

Another crucial element of a successful run stopping defense is having reliable linebackers who can read the play and make tackles. Look for players with high speed, acceleration, and tackling stats, such as Bobby Wagner or Fred Warner. These players can quickly close gaps and shut down running lanes before the ball carrier has a chance to make a big play.

Of course, it's not just about individual players - team chemistry and coordination are also key components of a strong run defense. Make sure your defensive line and linebackers are working together to fill gaps and create pressure on the quarterback, which can force your opponent to abandon the run game altogether.

In addition to using the right formation and players, there are several other strategies you can employ to shut down the run in Madden 21. For example, using pre-snap adjustments can help you shift your defense to better cover the gaps and prevent big gains. You can also use blitzes and stunts to create confusion and disrupt your opponent's blocking schemes.

And don't forget about special teams - having a strong kick and punt coverage unit can help you pin your opponent deep in their own territory, making it harder for them to establish a strong running game. Make sure your special teams players have high speed and tackling stats, and consider using kickers with high kick power to keep the ball out of your opponent's hands.

Ultimately, the key to a successful run stopping defense in Madden 21 is a combination of smart strategies, strong formations, and skilled players. By mixing up your plays, adjusting your defense on the fly, and working together as a team, you can shut down even the most formidable running games and dominate the field.


Madden 21 is a game that requires players to have the right strategy to stop the opposing team from scoring. One of the most important aspects of defense is stopping the run. A good run-stopping defense can make a huge difference in winning and losing games. In this article, we will discuss some of the best run-stopping defenses in Madden 21.

4-3 Over Defense

The 4-3 Over defense is one of the most popular defenses in Madden 21. It is a balanced defense that can stop both the run and the pass. The defense consists of four defensive linemen, three linebackers, and four defensive backs. The key to stopping the run in this defense is to have a strong defensive line that can penetrate the offensive line and disrupt the play.

Defensive Line

The defensive line in the 4-3 Over defense is composed of two defensive ends and two defensive tackles. The defensive ends are responsible for setting the edge and containing the run. The defensive tackles are responsible for plugging up the middle of the field and stopping the inside run.


The linebackers in the 4-3 Over defense are responsible for filling the gaps and stopping the run. The middle linebacker is the key to stopping the inside run, while the outside linebackers are responsible for setting the edge and containing the run.

Defensive Backs

The defensive backs in the 4-3 Over defense are responsible for covering the receivers and preventing big plays. They also help in run support by coming up to make tackles on running plays.

3-4 Odd Defense

The 3-4 Odd defense is another popular defense in Madden 21. It is a defense that is designed to stop the run by having a strong front seven. The defense consists of three defensive linemen, four linebackers, and four defensive backs.

Defensive Line

The defensive line in the 3-4 Odd defense is composed of two defensive ends and one nose tackle. The defensive ends are responsible for setting the edge and containing the run, while the nose tackle is responsible for plugging up the middle of the field and stopping the inside run.


The linebackers in the 3-4 Odd defense are responsible for filling the gaps and stopping the run. The middle linebacker is the key to stopping the inside run, while the outside linebackers are responsible for setting the edge and containing the run.

Defensive Backs

The defensive backs in the 3-4 Odd defense are responsible for covering the receivers and preventing big plays. They also help in run support by coming up to make tackles on running plays.

Goal Line Defense

The Goal Line defense is a defense that is specifically designed to stop the run on short yardage situations. The defense consists of eight players in the box, with only three defensive backs.

Defensive Line

The defensive line in the Goal Line defense is composed of four defensive linemen. The defensive linemen are responsible for plugging up the middle of the field and stopping the inside run.


The linebackers in the Goal Line defense are responsible for filling the gaps and stopping the run. The middle linebacker is the key to stopping the inside run, while the outside linebackers are responsible for setting the edge and containing the run.

Defensive Backs

The defensive backs in the Goal Line defense are responsible for covering the receivers and preventing big plays. They also help in run support by coming up to make tackles on running plays.


In conclusion, having a good run-stopping defense is crucial in Madden 21. The 4-3 Over defense, 3-4 Odd defense, and Goal Line defense are some of the best defenses to stop the run. Each defense has its strengths and weaknesses, so it is important to choose the right defense based on the situation. With the right strategy and execution, you can stop the opposing team's run game and increase your chances of winning the game.

Understanding the Importance of Run Stopping Defense in Madden 21

Madden 21 is a game that requires players to have a balanced approach on both offense and defense. While scoring points is important, preventing the opposing team from doing so can be equally essential. One of the fundamental aspects of a successful defense in Madden 21 is the ability to stop the run game effectively.The run game is one of the most critical components of an offensive playbook. If a team can successfully run the football, it can control the clock, wear down the defense, and ultimately score points. As a result, it's crucial for players to understand the importance of run stopping defense in Madden 21.A good run stopping defense can force the opposition into passing situations, which can make their offense predictable and easier to defend against. Additionally, stopping the run can give your team momentum and boost morale, leading to better overall performance. As such, it's vital to examine the key attributes of effective run stopping defenses.

Examining the Key Attributes of Effective Run Stopping Defenses

To build a strong run stopping defense in Madden 21, players must focus on specific attributes that can help them disrupt the opposition's run game. These attributes include strength, block shedding, tackling ability, and pursuit.Strength is a critical attribute for defensive linemen and linebackers as it allows them to overpower blockers and disrupt the run game. Block shedding is also essential, as it enables defenders to disengage from blockers and get to the ball carrier. Tackling ability is another crucial attribute, as missed tackles can lead to big plays and even touchdowns. Finally, pursuit is essential, as it allows defenders to chase down ball carriers and limit gains.It's important to note that these attributes alone won't make a great run stopping defense. Players must also focus on building a strong defensive line to halt the run game.

Building a Strong Defensive Line to Halt the Run Game

The defensive line is the backbone of any run stopping defense in Madden 21. It's essential to have players with high strength, block shedding, and tackling ability on the defensive line to disrupt the opposing offensive line. These players can penetrate gaps, shed blocks, and tackle ball carriers before they can gain momentum.One effective strategy to build a strong defensive line is to focus on players with high overall ratings. Pro Bowl or All-Pro players can provide a solid foundation for your defensive line, as they often have high attribute ratings in the critical areas mentioned earlier.Another tactic is to use defensive tackles with high strength and block shedding ratings to clog up the middle and prevent running backs from gaining yards up the middle. Defensive ends with high pursuit ratings can also help contain outside runs and limit gains.

Utilizing Effective Linebacker Strategies to Stop the Run

Linebackers are another vital component of a successful run stopping defense in Madden 21. They are responsible for filling gaps, making tackles, and providing support to the defensive line. As such, it's critical to have linebackers with high strength, tackling ability, and pursuit ratings.One effective linebacker strategy is to use a 4-3 formation that utilizes two middle linebackers. This formation can provide excellent run defense, as the two middle linebackers can fill gaps and make tackles while the defensive line disrupts the offensive line.Another strategy is to use a blitzing linebacker to attack the backfield and pressure the quarterback, which can force the offense into passing situations.

The Importance of Safeties in Run Stopping Defense

While defensive linemen and linebackers are essential, safeties can also play a critical role in a successful run stopping defense in Madden 21. Safeties with high pursuit and tackling ability ratings can provide additional support to the defense and help limit gains.One effective strategy is to use a safety in the box to provide additional run support. This can be especially useful against offenses that rely heavily on the run game.

Implementing Effective Defensive Playbooks for Run Stopping

To build a successful run stopping defense in Madden 21, it's essential to have an effective defensive playbook. The playbook should have a variety of formations and plays that can disrupt the opposing team's run game and force them into passing situations.One effective playbook is the 4-3 formation, which utilizes four down linemen and three linebackers. This formation can provide excellent run defense and is a staple of many successful NFL teams.Another effective playbook is the 3-4 formation, which utilizes three down linemen and four linebackers. This formation can provide additional pressure on the quarterback while also providing solid run defense.

Understanding Offensive Formations to Better Stop the Run

To stop the run effectively, it's essential to understand offensive formations and how they impact the run game. Different formations can present different challenges for a defense, and it's important to adjust accordingly.For example, a two-tight end formation can indicate that the offense is preparing to run the ball up the middle. In contrast, a spread formation with three or four wide receivers can signal a passing play.By understanding these formations, players can make more informed defensive calls and better anticipate the opposition's next move.

Utilizing Defensive Audibles to Stop the Run Before it Starts

Defensive audibles can be powerful tools for stopping the run before it even starts. By recognizing an offense's formation and making quick adjustments, players can put their defense in the best position to succeed.For example, if an offense lines up in a two-tight end formation, a player can audible to a 4-3 defense to better defend the run up the middle. Similarly, if an offense lines up in a shotgun formation, a player can audible to a nickel defense to better defend against a pass.

The Role of User-Controlled Defenders in Stopping the Run

User-controlled defenders are players that you control directly during the game. These players can be critical in stopping the run, as they can make tackles and disrupt the opposition's run game.One effective user-controlled defender strategy is to control a linebacker and fill gaps to stop the run up the middle. Alternatively, controlling a safety can provide additional support and help limit gains.

Analyzing the Best Run Stopping Defenses in Madden 21

Finally, it's important to analyze the best run stopping defenses in Madden 21 to identify successful strategies and tactics. Teams like the Baltimore Ravens, San Francisco 49ers, and Chicago Bears have all had success stopping the run in recent seasons.These teams utilize a variety of formations and personnel to disrupt the opposition's run game. They also have players with high strength, block shedding, tackling ability, and pursuit ratings on their defensive line and at linebacker.By studying these teams, players can learn from their success and apply these strategies to their own playstyle.


In conclusion, stopping the run is a crucial component of any successful defense in Madden 21. By focusing on key attributes like strength, block shedding, tackling ability, and pursuit, players can build a strong run stopping defense. Building a strong defensive line, utilizing effective linebacker strategies, and understanding the role of safeties can also help stop the run. Additionally, implementing effective defensive playbooks, understanding offensive formations, and utilizing defensive audibles can further improve run defense. Finally, studying successful run stopping defenses can provide valuable insights and strategies for players looking to improve their game.

Best Run Stopping Defense in Madden 21

Point of View

As a Madden 21 player, having a strong run stopping defense is crucial to winning games. The ability to shut down your opponent's running game can force them to become one-dimensional and increase the likelihood of turnovers. In my opinion, the best run stopping defense in Madden 21 is the 3-4 Bear formation.

Pros of Using 3-4 Bear Formation

1. Strong against the run: The 3-4 Bear formation features seven defenders in the box, making it difficult for opponents to run the ball.

2. Versatile: This formation allows for a variety of defensive play calls, including blitzes and coverage schemes.

3. Good pass rush: With four linebackers on the field, the 3-4 Bear can generate a strong pass rush, forcing quarterbacks to make quick decisions.

4. Balanced: While the focus is on stopping the run, the 3-4 Bear also has the ability to defend against the pass effectively.

Cons of Using 3-4 Bear Formation

1. Vulnerable to outside runs: Due to the number of defenders in the box, the 3-4 Bear can be susceptible to outside running plays.

2. Limited coverage options: While the 3-4 Bear allows for a variety of defensive play calls, there are fewer coverage options available compared to other formations.

3. Requires skilled players: This formation requires skilled linebackers and defensive linemen to be effective.

Comparison Table

Formation Pros Cons
3-4 Bear Strong against the run, versatile, good pass rush, balanced Vulnerable to outside runs, limited coverage options, requires skilled players
4-3 Under Good against the run and pass, balanced, flexible Requires skilled linebackers, vulnerable to outside runs
4-4 Split Strong against the run, good pass rush, versatile May struggle against the pass, requires skilled players


While there are several formations that can effectively stop the run, the 3-4 Bear stands out as the best option due to its versatility and ability to defend against both the run and pass. However, it is important to note that this formation requires skilled players and may be vulnerable to outside runs. Ultimately, the choice of formation will depend on the player's defensive strategy and the strengths of their team.

The Best Run-Stopping Defense in Madden 21

Thank you for taking the time to read this article about the best run-stopping defense in Madden 21. We hope that the information provided has been helpful in improving your gameplay and understanding of defensive strategies.

As we have discussed throughout the article, stopping the run is crucial in Madden 21. A strong run defense can force your opponent to become one-dimensional, relying solely on the passing game, which can make it easier for you to predict their plays and make stops.

One of the key factors in having a strong run defense is selecting the right personnel. As we have discussed, having a good defensive line and linebackers who can shed blocks and make tackles is essential. It is also important to have a solid secondary that can provide support when needed.

A second factor is understanding and utilizing different defensive formations and plays. The 4-3 Over, 4-4 Split, and 3-4 Bear are all effective formations for stopping the run. Additionally, using blitzes and stunts can help disrupt the offensive line and create opportunities for tackles for loss.

Another important factor is making adjustments based on your opponent's tendencies. If your opponent is consistently running to one side of the field, you may want to shift your defense in that direction. If they are running the same play repeatedly, you may want to call a blitz or stunt to disrupt their timing.

It is also important to remember that stopping the run is not just about individual players or specific plays. It requires teamwork and communication among all members of the defense. Making sure that everyone is on the same page and knows their role is crucial for success.

Practice is also essential in improving your run defense. Take the time to run through different defensive formations and plays to see what works best for you. Pay attention to your opponents' tendencies and adjust your defense accordingly.

Finally, it is important to remember that Madden 21 is a game, and while winning is important, having fun should be the ultimate goal. Don't get too caught up in the competition and remember to enjoy the experience.

Once again, thank you for reading this article about the best run-stopping defense in Madden 21. We hope that the information provided has been helpful in improving your gameplay and understanding of defensive strategies. Good luck on the virtual field!

People Also Ask About Best Run Stopping Defense in Madden 21

What is run stopping defense in Madden 21?

Run stopping defense in Madden 21 refers to the defensive strategy used to prevent the opposing team from running the ball effectively. It involves using defensive formations, plays, and player attributes that are specifically designed to stop the run game.

Which teams have the best run stopping defense in Madden 21?

The top teams with the best run stopping defense in Madden 21 are:

  • Pittsburgh Steelers
  • Baltimore Ravens
  • New Orleans Saints
  • Los Angeles Rams
  • Tampa Bay Buccaneers

What attributes should I look for in players for a good run stopping defense?

When looking for players to build a strong run stopping defense in Madden 21, you should prioritize the following attributes:

  1. Strength
  2. Block Shedding
  3. Tackling
  4. Power Moves (for defensive linemen)
  5. Pursuit

What defensive formations and plays should I use for a good run stopping defense?

The most effective defensive formations and plays for a good run stopping defense in Madden 21 include:

  • 4-3 Over
  • 3-4 Bear
  • 4-6 Normal
  • Cover 4 Drop Show 2
  • Cover 2 Invert

How can I improve my run stopping defense in Madden 21?

To improve your run stopping defense in Madden 21, you should focus on:

  • Choosing players with the right attributes for your defensive scheme
  • Using effective defensive formations and plays
  • Mixing up your play calls to keep your opponent guessing
  • Timing your tackles and using the hit stick to force fumbles
  • Adjusting your defensive settings based on your opponent's tendencies

best run stopping defense madden 21 (2024)
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